greedy algo,
becasue if we have $10, we use combination of $5 & $10 first
time complexity: O(n) , space complecity: O(1)
class Solution {
public boolean lemonadeChange(int[] bills) {
int five = 0;
int ten = 0;
for (int bill : bills) {
if (bill == 5) {
five++; //$5 number ++
} else if (bill == 10) { //$10 number ++, and changing $5 back
} else if (ten > 0) { // 20 dollars case, if we have ten coins, use combination of $5 & $10 first
} else {
five -= 3; //not enough $10, so using 3 $5
if (five < 0) return false; // in loop, we found not enough change
return true;