1628. Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function
T : buildTree: O(n),
S: O(n)
* This is the interface for the expression tree Node.
* You should not remove it, and you can define some classes to implement it.
abstract class Node {
public abstract int evaluate();
// define your fields here
class NumberNode extends Node {
int value;
NumberNode(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int evaluate() {
return value;
class OperatorNode extends Node {
Node left;
Node right;
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> operators;
OperatorNode(Node left, Node right, BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> operators) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.operators = operators;
public int evaluate() {
return operators.apply(left.evaluate(), right.evaluate());
// if left or right node is OperatorNode -> so when call evaluate(),
// it will apply(left, right) agian, so this has the same effect as DFS
* This is the TreeBuilder class.
* You can treat it as the driver code that takes the postinfix input
* and returns the expression tree represnting it as a Node.
class TreeBuilder {
Deque<Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
Node buildTree(String[] postfix) {
// design a map, with BiFunction operation
// this design able to support additional operators without making changes to your existing evaluate implementation
Map<String, BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer>> operators = Map.of(
"+", (a,b) -> (a+b),
"-", (a,b) -> (a-b),
"*", (a,b) -> (a*b),
"/", (a,b) -> (a/b)
for (String val : postfix) {
if (operators.containsKey(val)) {
Node right = stack.pop();
Node left = stack.pop();
stack.push(new OperatorNode(left, right, operators.get(val)));
} else {
stack.push(new NumberNode(Integer.parseInt(val)));
return stack.pop();
* Your TreeBuilder object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TreeBuilder obj = new TreeBuilder();
* Node expTree = obj.buildTree(postfix);
* int ans = expTree.evaluate();
+ -> build tree
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