2222. Number of Ways to Select Buildings
T: O(n)
S: O(1)
class Solution {
public long numberOfWays(String s) {
long one = 0;
long zero = 0;
long oneZero = 0;
long zeroOne = 0;
long result = 0;
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '0') {
oneZero += one; // 1 0
result += zeroOne; // 01 0
} else { // 1
zeroOne += zero; // 0 1
result += oneZero; // 10 1
return result;
-> 6 different 10
01 0
10 1
10 -> pre 1 -> cur 0
01 -> pre 0 -> cur 1
Traverse the input `s`:
1. If encontering `0`, count subsequences ending at current `0`: `0`, `10` and `010`, `1010`'s, ...,;
The number of `10` depends on how many `1`s before current `0`,
the number of `010` depends on how many `01` before current `0`, and the number of `1010` depends on how many `101` before current `0`...;
2. If encontering `1`, count subsequences ending at current `1`: `1`, `01`, `101`, and `0101`'s;
The number of `01` depends on how many `0`s before current `1`,
the number of `101` depends on how many `10` before current `1`,
and the number of `0101` depends on how many `010` before current `1`...
3. We can observe the above patterns and use a 2-D array `ways` to record the corresponding subsequences, e.g.,
ways[0][0] - number of `0`'s;
ways[1][0] - number of `10`'s;
ways[2][0] - number of `010`'s;
ways[3][0] - number of `1010`'s;
ways[0][1] - number of `1`'s;
ways[1][1] - number of `01`'s;
ways[2][1] - number of `101`'s;
ways[3][1] - number of `0101`'s;
public long numberOfWays(String s, int k) {
// int k = 3;
long[][] ways = new long[k][2];
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
int idx = s.charAt(i) - '0';
for (int j = 1; j < k; ++j) {
ways[j][idx] += ways[j - 1][1 - idx];
return ways[k - 1][0] + ways[k - 1][1];
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